This contact form enables Consumers (and other pro-Consumer entities) to join I-Can's Local Grass Roots Consumer Awareness / Involvement Efforts. Participation (select at least one) . . . As an I-Can Volunteer, I (we) would be willing to . . . Use my (our) private Email list of Contacts to Increase Consumer Awareness on Insurance Related Issues . . . Participate in (and/or help coordinate) occasional communication campaigns directed at Legislators and Media Outlets in my state . . . Visit with Administrative, Legislative and/or Media contacts . . . - or - Do Any or All of the Above . . . As Needed ! Registration (* required fields). . . * Name: Attn: (if an organization) Address: * City: * State: * Zip: * Day Phone: * Eve Phone: * E-mail: When you have completed this form and prompt the "Volunteer" button, an acknowledgment will be sent to the Email address you have provided. When your Email is confirmed, you will have joined our group of Volunteers for your state. Thank You . . . For Your Support of our Efforts ! * Enter the CAPTCHA code below. Go back to the top
This contact form enables Consumers (and other pro-Consumer entities) to join I-Can's Local Grass Roots Consumer Awareness / Involvement Efforts.
Participation (select at least one) . . .
As an I-Can Volunteer, I (we) would be willing to . . .
When you have completed this form and prompt the "Volunteer" button, an acknowledgment will be sent to the Email address you have provided. When your Email is confirmed, you will have joined our group of Volunteers for your state.
Thank You . . . For Your Support of our Efforts !